Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
kraft macaroni & cheese
The Test Noodle
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese is so easy, anyone can make it in just three simple steps. However, there is one detail that doesn't have a clear answer: exactly how long should you cook your noodles? Everyone has a different preference, so it's impossible to give the exact timing, which is why anyone who's ever cooked macaroni noodles knows that you have to try a couple straight out of the pot to test if the rest are done.
But that means in every box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, there are a few proud, brave, and selfless noodles that will never see the cheesy goodness that awaits their box brothers. These are the selfless pioneers of noodles, testing the boundaries of doneness so we can enjoy the perfect bowl of mac & cheese. We thought it was time to recognize the bravery and sacrifice of these noble noodles.